Get a Board-Certified Personal Injury Trial Attorney on your Rollover Injury Case with over 40 years of rollover experience.

Rollover Accident Lawyers
Houston rollover accident attorney has helped hundreds of rollover and car accident victims with their serious injuries and personal injury claims against their insurance company and defective vehicle maker. Hundreds of SUV, car and truck rollover accidents occur weekly across the United States. In most cases, just before the rollover accident starts, the driver loses control of the vehicle when they encounter an animals on the road, highway hazards, tire failures, or tire blowouts, causing a loss of directional control of the vehicle on the highway or off the shoulder or median.
During a rollover as the vehicle is flipping over, its roof pillars/supports can collapse and crush down, seatbelts & airbags can fail, door & locks can open, and sudden seatback failures/collapses can occur. The failure of any of these can cause severe injuries and/or death to the driver and passengers.
When rollover and car accident lawyers in our law firm are investigating a rollover accident, the post- car accident investigation includes finding and securing the vehicle as evidence, gathering witness and police reports, and conducting a thorough inspection of the vehicle, tires, and other component parts for flaws or defects. All facets, from the original cause of the loss of control, through the vehicle coming to a rest, must be investigated by a team of investigators, engineers, biomechanical, medical, and other experts needed to establish needed liability and negligence in a personal injury lawsuit and product liability lawsuit. It pays to talk to an experienced rollover and car accident lawyer and let him help you fight the insurance company for your serious injuries from your car accident or rollover and fight for your rights to file a personal injury lawsuit and collect the compensation you deserve. Whether you are suffering spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, or other severe injuries. You have legal rights. Talk to a car accident attorney about your rollover or car accident claim.
While the risks of a SUV rollover accident occurring on modern day SUV’ are lower than decades ago, the risks of serious injuries and deaths to the occupants are still present. With the addition of electronic stability control type computers, many rollovers and human lives have been spared. However, when safety systems fail, injuries occur.
Roof crush during a rollover can lead to catastrophic injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and death. When the roof supports fail and collapse into the safe space of the occupants, devastating crushing and vertical loading of the head and spine can occur bursting fractures to the spinal cord causing traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord damage and death.
Defective and old tires operated at highway speeds can suddenly fail due to defects, tire tread separations, sidewall failures and blowouts, causing a loss of control and the vehicle being thrust into another lane, off the shoulder, or into a deadly rollover crash. The driver cannot regain control and a wreck or rollover can occur.
Airbags were developed in the 1960’s to lessen injuries, not to create new ones. When working correcting, airbags save lives. Sadly, though in many frontal impacts, T-bone collisions and rollovers, the air bags do not deploy as designed. Whether its frontal airbags, side curtain or side impact airbags, they can fail to deploy as designed.
Rollover Accident Attorney – Houston, Texas
The nationally recognized Rollover Accident Attorneys headquartered in Houston, Texas, have settled $100,000,000.00's of car accident cases, SUV, Car & truck rollover accidents, defective tires & blowouts, car wrecks, seatback failures, airbag failures, and 1000's other serious injuries, product liability, negligence, car accident cases, and wrongful death lawsuits over the past 40 years against some of the biggest vehicle & tire manufacturers, and other product manufacturers, and defendants around the world. The rollover and car accident attorneys at the Willis Law Firm headquartered in Houston, Texas, can assist you in recovering lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, mental anguish, and other personal injuries for your personal losses or for the all claims and wrongful death damages and compensation for the loss of a loved one.
Attorney David P. Willis is a former attorney for the Supreme Court of Texas and has been Board Certified in Personal Injury Attorney by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 1988.
No Fees if No Recovery – Free Consultation
All rollover accident and product liability cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, which means No Fees or Expenses are Ever Charged to the Client Unless the Client Wins.
Learn More -Call for a Free Rollover or Car Accident Review. Talk to a Best Rollover and Best Car Accident Attorney Today about your potential car accident or rollover lawsuit. Get an Experienced Car Accident Attorney on your side. Our law firm is ready to assist you 24/7.
Featured Rollover Accident Litigation
Seat Back Failures in rear-end collisions and rollovers can be deadly to the seated occupant, but also to the persons sitting in the seat or bench behind them. When a seat hinge(s) collapses and fails, the weight and energy of the front seat occupant can become a projectile as they impact the passenger behind. This impact can lead to traumatic brain injury (TBI), skull fractures, and spinal cord injuries to both occupants The seat frame, seat track and seat hinges of all cars and trucks need to be make stronger like many European auto makers have done for over 30+ years to prevent these senseless injuries and deaths.
Pickup rollovers are especially deadly due the truck’s excessive weight, carrying, loads, high center of gravity and inadequate roof & rollover cage protection. The high numbers of Ford F150, F250 and F350 truck rollovers along with the Chevrolet, Dodge Ram and GMC are alarming. Truck rollovers are more dangerous than most any type of vehicle on the roads usually resulting with more serious head and spinal injuries than SUV and passenger car rollover accidents.
The resulting injuries from a rollover and roof crush can include traumatic brain injury / damage (TBI), spinal cord injury (SCI), paralysis, paraplegia, quadriplegia, loss of limb and death. In some rollovers a occupant can get trapped and crushed by the collapsing roof preventing them from breathing (positional asphyxia), partial ejections and amputations from door lock/latch opening, or seatbelts not keeping the occupant inside in a safe area.
Side impact collisions, also called T-Bone accidents, can be extremely dangerous as the short distance from the oncoming bumper of the bullet vehicle to the occupants inside the target vehicle. This makes engineering with door beams, side impact airbags and side curtain airbags critical. The angle of impact whether a near-side impact, frontal impact or a far side impact, the speed and energy of the bullet vehicle or what’s known as the Delta V, all must be computed and determined in each case. When safety systems fail, especially when you are T-Boned, people get badly hurt.
There can be dozens of causes leading up to the actual rollover starting, but there can also be dozens of defects that fail during the rolling over and crushing of the roof and safety cage. The defects can include door locks / door latches opening during the rollover, lack of headrests, side and roof airbags not fully deploying, seat belts and shoulder belts that don’t keep the occupant tight and in the safest position, lack of electronic stability control (rollover computer) to help prevent a rollover, failures in roof pillar welds, shocks, suspension systems and broken tie rod and steering linkages. Lastly and the deadliest can be fuel fed fires and gas tank ruptures. Whenever any these failures occur, additional catastrophic injuries can occur.
Why Hire Us?
If you have been seriously injured or a loved one has been killed due to a rollover accident or due to any act of driver negligence on the part of the vehicle or tire manufacturer, then talk to a Board-Certified Personal Injury Trial Lawyer Attorney with over 40 years of rollover, tire defect and catastrophic injury experience. Get answers to your questions and find out your legal options.
• Our law firm pays all needed case costs as incurred we front all expenses,
• We never send the client a bill. No fees or expenses are charged unless we get our client a financial recovery and recover compensation for their severe personal injuries, monetary losses, loss of wages, medical expenses, and mental anguish damages.
• In most cases before we file a lawsuit, we send an accident scene investigator to gather information, interview witnesses, photograph the scene, and collect evidence,
• In rollover accident cases, obtaining and securing the evidence is crucial. We find, collect, and preserve the vehicle, tires and/or other critical evidence. Once located we take it to a locked facility for further inspection by our experts and engineers.
• After the accident scene investigation, witness statements, vehicle engineering inspections and medical evidence are gathered and examined. If favorable, we will begin to prepare your case for litigation.

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