A distracted driver caused a rollover accident last week on the northbound side of Interstate 27 near Sundown Lane in Amarillo, according to the Amarillo Globe-News on July 13. The driver of a silver Volkswagen Beetle was eating while operating her vehicle at 10:15 Monday morning, causing her to swerve into the next lane and hit the back end of a gray Toyota Tundra pickup truck.
According to a report by the Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, the collision caused the Tundra to swerve and roll over. The truck eventually landed upside down when it came to a stop on the shoulder of the interstate.
After colliding with the truck, the driver of the Beetle lost control of her car and crashed through a barbed wire fence, landing in a pasture beside the frontage road.
Fortunately, troopers reported that there were no serious injuries resulting from the collision. The driver of the Tundra did not require assistance when exiting his vehicle but was taken to the hospital in an ambulance for evaluation. The driver of the Beetle received a citation for distracted driving.
The attorneys at the Willis Law Firm represent those who have been injured in a rollover accident. Call us at 800-883-9858 today to discuss your case.